How to Pronounce "Quepos." (Hint: It Doesn't Sound Like "Quail.")


Don't you love how I just brought quails into this? Why does that sound weird plural? Is it just because I don't speak about quail enough in the plural? These are the questions that haunt me.


We need to talk about the correct pronunciation of "Quepos" (which is definitely plural) because I need to save you from ALL the embarrassment. Quepos, in case you don't know, is a well-known town on the Pacific Coast, right alongside Manuel Antonio, which also happens to be the sport fishing capital of the world—and yes, you should go. However, you should not pronounce it like most middle-American white men pronounce Quepos, which is "Quay-pos." Like quail. No quail here.

Rather, the correct pronunciation is "K-pos." Like K-mart. Or Kay Jewelers. Quepos. Kay-pos. Ya dig?

Okay, I feel much better now, we can all go back to living our lives. And practicing much harder words, like Jacó.


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